Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting ready to go to New Zealand.

This is a blog created to follow my travels and experiences in New Zealand.  I will be heading over there for a full year in just a few short weeks.  I am getting very very nervous, just being away from friends and family, but also nervous because this is the time for me to prove myself.  To prove myself in my industry, my skills, and to myself that I can go away from everything that I know, and succeed. 

I can't wait for what the next few months will bring, and I will be updating this (hopefully) daily while I am on the other side of the planet.  I think I am going to start the whole "365 Photo Project" thing as well, what better time to do it than when you have to spend the year in another country??  I know everyone does it now, but I really think that its something I would look back on fondly if I had a picture from every day.  I will be uploading them here as well to keep everything together.

Only 20 days before I leave Virginia.....

Here goes nothing....

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