Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Woops, its been a while...

Well then, sorry its been a while!  Ive gotten quite behind.  Been trying to keep up at work, and I have just been exhausted lately.  Keeping myself WAY busy too, which is fantastic.

Kyle comes in just a few days (just over a week!!!!!!!), so I have been trying to get things around here organized for him to come.  Cleaning out the closet and whatnot.  This past Friday was the Christmas in the Park performance as well, and that was a blast.  I went to that initially with Matt and Carla, and had planned to meet up with Ngaire and Chris and Ngaire's Aunt and Uncle when they got there.  So I hung out with the two of them, and then right around when the show was starting, met up with Ngaire.  That was a blast!  had a great time with them, her Aunt and Uncle are awesome too.  Lots of fun.  Musical performances galore, fireworks at the end and all!  Even Santa!  haha.  Not to mention TONS AND TONS of people!  It was in the Auckland Domain, which is a huge park, and the park was absolutely full.  Insane.  Really fun.  Then after the show was over, I headed back to Meadowbank actually with everyone to play some cards.  They let me crash there for the night too, which was really nice.  Meadowbank is beautiful, and quiet.  Not to mention their house is AMAZING.  Love it.  Really modern, clean, beautiful.  Nice backyard / deck area for entertaining as well.  It was great.  They made me breakfast, and then dropped me home.  They even invited Kyle and I to come by for Christmas!  What a nice family.  Seriously, I feel very lucky to have met them. 

That day as well, once I got home, Amnon picked up me, Matt and Carla and took us out to Miruai beach.  Very cool beach.  Amnon, Deb, and their friend went surfing, while Matt, Carla and I went exploring a bit and laid on the beach.  LOVE the beach.  So nice to have somewhat of a tan too!  Dont worry, Ive been COVERING myself in sunscreen every time I go out, and so far so good on not getting burned!  Awesome.  So we had a nice little afternoon, and then Amnon dropped us home.  I love Amnon and Deb, they are great.  Looking forward to spending more time with them.  (Amnon is a co worker of mine if I didnt mention that before). 

Then I came home, went and got a pizza with Nia and Terry, and chilled out at the house the rest of the night.  Good times. 

Got all my Christmas shopping this weekend too, and was able to mail everything home on Monday morning.  Yay!  Can't wait for everyone to get their gifts.  Looking forward to that.  I love Christmas :-). 

So this week is going to be a doozey I think.  Busy busy.  Trying to catch up from last week, but man, I feel like some of my shots just get harder and harder.  I guess thats a good thing really, they trust me with a lot more, but still... it takes a lot of time!  Im re-animating someone else's Primary shot too right now.  Savio..oooh Savio the snake.  How difficult he can be when you dont know how to use him.  Whoever did the Primary pass on the snake, didn't quite use the right controllers, so I was forced to re-do the whole thing, and then throw it into Primary.  So it took me ALL day.  Literally.  I was able to work a bit on another one of my Julien shots toward the end of the day since I stayed late, so i think I will be able to submit that tomorrow.  Who knows.  Its been a hard week, getting a lot of crits back.  Not to say that Im not doing as well as I was, I am, but the shots I have are more challenging, and every once in a while Myke changes his mind from what was set out originally.  Totally allowed to do that, it just makes it a bit frustrating for me when I can't get a shot approved the first or even third try.  haha.  Still, its ok.  Always small changes, thank goodness. 

And GOOD NEWS:  I now have a new place to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG Im so excited!

This place is GORGEOUS.  And now...Kyle and I initially didn't want to live with other room mates.. but Kate and I found this absolutely to-die-for townhouse that is none other than epic.  Seriously.  The nicest thing I have seen since I have been here, hands down. 

I think I wrote about it before, but in case I didn't......  3 stories, balcony on every floor, FULLY furnished, leather couches, wood floors, big screen plasma tv, dvd player, 3 bedrooms, comes with a grill and every possible kitchen appliance we could ever need / want.  Beautifully decorated, two car parking spaces... and not to mention...the Master Suite, the room Kyle and I will be in.. is awesome.  private bathroom, large room, King bed, our own tv, a desk built in, closet, our own balcony... I mean its just great.  Its about the top of what we can afford (with utilities included), but man is it worth it.  And its closer to work than I am now.  And outside of the downtown area.  SO quiet back there!  My goodness.  The view from the balconies is amazing too!  And the woman who is renting it to us is sooooooooo nice.  She is going to have us over for some drinks after Christmas to solidify everything, sign papers, get instructions and keys and whatnot.  its amazing.  I cant wait for Kyle to see it.  We can't move in until January 15th, but thats perfect really because thats just the right amount of time to give notice, for the holidays to be wrapped up, and to get things settled.  YAY!!!  Stoked.  And we're going to put a hammock on the balcony!  I CANT WAIT!  So yes, that made my day.  The other person moving in with us as well is Juan from work.  he's really nice.  He is a compositor over at Oktobor, and seems really sweet / chill.  We talked quite a bit on the bus, and I think this is going to be a fantastic scenario.  Great people too.  So yea.  YAY!!!

So yea, things are going really well.  Im still trying to lose weight though.  I found out that I am walking just about 5 miles a day!  Its awesome.  And Im trying to eat better.  I need to not eat out so often (which will help), not to mention the fact that Christmas shopping will help to deter me from doing that so often ;-).  Had a nice little chat with Heather today, and that made me feel better.  When Kyle gets here we can train together, and I think that we are going to look into buyin bikes over here used so that we dont pay so much extra to have them shipped.  Just not worth it. 

Ahhhh.  Good things.  Now, I just cant wait for Christmas!!!!!!

OH, get this. Another reason why I love my job:  I am hearing rumors that within the construction going on in the office (theres a ton cause of expanding), they are building a SLIDE to go from the top floor (third floor) to the animation floor!!!!!!  HAHAHA, omg epic.  I love my job and my industry.  And we have our Christmas party Thursday night.  Really excited about that too.  Wish Kyle could be here for it, but thats alright, at least he is coming.  Man, I cant wait.  Good things are happening.

I guess the best of things really are worth waiting for :-D

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